Since 2005, COERR has been implemented the Sponsorship Program for Poor Children along the border province of Sakaew with the support of Enfants du Mekong Foundation. Later, the program has been expanded to help more children in Surin and Mae Hong Son Province.

In 2018, the number of scholar children has reached 157, covering 132 in Sakaew, 9 in Surin and 16 in Mae Hong Son Province. Under the program, these scholars receive a certain amount of money on monthly basis to cover their expenses in education and personal needs. The program has eased the burden of the poor families that have many children and enable their children to pursue their education.

During December 2018, COERR and EDM visited and interviewed 23 applicants in Surin Province in light that the number of scholars in this border province should be increased from 9 in 2018 to 32 in 2019.

In addition to the monthly subsidy, the program has also provided school uniform to 45 needy poor asylum seeker children in urban refugee program.
